It's been a month since I started my first Skype lesson with Zaira in Philip English.
At the beginning, I was a little bit concerned since Zaira had less feedback than other teachers.
However, soon it turned out she is one of the best English teachers I have ever met.
Whenever I make a mistake while speaking(even though the mistake is trivial), she always remembers that and lets me notice the mistake later. Also, I can see that she is always trying to use new __EXPRESSION__s while she is talking so that I don't use same __EXPRESSION__s over and over again.
(don't understand why those two "__EXPRESSION__s" are automatically modified into capital letters...)
I personally believe that one of the most important things for learning a new language is not getting stress and truly enjoy it while learning it, and this is why I recommend Zaira to people who are currently looking for a new teacher. There is no time to get bored since she is super outgoing and talkative.
Thanks, Zaira!